On Having Covid

Welp, it happened. 

I got exposed to covid on 2/11, started feeling symptoms on 2/13, officially tested positive on 2/15 and then, Team Wilson was hit.

It’s a strange feeling to have the disease that is the cause of a global pandemic. I felt like a sign should have popped up over our house saying “Infected” and then confetti would have exploded when we were finally done quarantining. It was an especially bizarre experience to hear the healthcare provider inform me that I was indeed positive. I left the clinic (in Kroger) and had to walk through the store to go home. My skin wasn’t glowing a neon color informing everyone to stay away and no random tentacle was popping out of my forehead. 

Nope. People could have looked at me and had no idea.

We were fortunate in that our primary symptom was fatigue. We had diminished taste and smell but never lost it entirely. Some shortness of breath and cold-like symptoms, but all in all, the fatigue was what got us. If you’ve ever had mono, you can get a sense of what the fatigue was like, if not even more amped up.

Our church community was incredibly kind and brought us meals. 

How did Liam do, you ask? 

Well, he fought covid off much better than his parents. In fact, he remained symptom-free, unless you count the restlessness that ensued as a result of having exhausted parents. It was kind of about survival so he got his favorite foods, Ronny set up a barricade of chairs to contain him to the living room, and we got by.

All in all, it certainly could have been worse. 

We made it, and that first excursion back out into the real world felt like it should have been accompanied by High School Musical’s lyric “we’re breaking free.” 

We are almost exactly at a year of a global pandemic being declared. Crazy times. Stay healthy everyone!

PS Anyone else had it?