Well hello there, friend. Welcome. Here is a space where I hope you can breathe. A place where it feels safe to ask big questions and truly be. In case you missed it, my name is Casey. I suppose this blog means I can put writer on the list of things I do, but I’m also a dreamer, a thinker, an adventurer, a rule-follower, a question-asker, an emotion-wrestler, and quite simply, a human being. As much as I’d prefer to not have flaws, I’m in the processing of learning to embrace them and celebrate my humanity.

If you take away anything from your time in my internet space, I pray that you are reminded that the Lord speaks and you really can hear Him. Maybe you’ve never heard Him before. Maybe you haven’t wanted to hear Him for a little while. Whatever the case may be, He is there and should you want to, He’s willing to talk and listen.

I don’t want this to be a place that’s just about me. Who wants to spend time reading about one person? No, I hope this space offers you something that you’re seeking. I’m certainly glad you came. You belong here, welcome home.

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