Library of Lives

Books have an aroma.

Have you noticed that? I love going into a bookstore and taking a deep breath.

Books have a certain feel.

My favorites are the books with thick pages, pages that feel weighty. The Harry Potter series has excellent pages.

Books have chapters. 

OK, so not all books, but most do. 

This got me thinking about the end of seasons. We often talk about closing this chapter or starting a new chapter.

Our life language runs parallel to books. We live out stories. There are chapters, ups and downs, twists and turns.

Imagine, for a minute, that we are all represented by books in heaven.

I can just picture the Lord walking into a vast room with floor to ceiling bookshelves, complete with a ladder that rolls around to give access to those hard-to-reach shelves. 

In this scenario, each book represents a human life. He is, after all, the Author of Life (Acts 3:15) and the Author of our faith (Hebrews 12:2), so why not represent each of our stories as a book? What if He walked up to a book at random, picked it up, and exclaimed, 

“Ah, I remember this one, it’s a good one!”

He knows each one of us. He knows our stories. He knows our lives. He knows our trials and our triumphs. 

Perhaps He would call it the Library of Lives.

What a beautiful picture.

Books have chapters. 

Books have a certain feel.

Books have an aroma.

As do we.