Holy Garden

Our yard went from no garden to full garden structure with plants in the ground over the course of a week. 

It was wild.

We spent several nights after dark, with phone flashlights on, getting eaten alive by mosquitos to make it happen before we went out of town.

In retrospect, getting the motivation to make that happen sooner would have been more ideal, but there’s just been a lot going on. Summer, am I right?

The entire process was very fun (and exhausting). Thinking through where to erect the structure in the yard, how big, and my favorite, figuring out the configuration of where to put the plants was no small task. 

Some plants are excellent buddies and some are very much not.

For instance, watermelons and squash are not friends, but strawberries and thyme are. Sorting through all that for the first time was so much fun! (Granted, I’m sure we have a lot to learn.)

Plants continue to be therapeutic for me and a way I learn more about the Lord. 

There’s something incredibly holy about a garden. And no, I don’t mean the holes bugs can leave behind as they munch through leaves. I’m talking about how it all started in a garden.

Do you think God spent time configuring it so each of the plants could thrive? I do, and goodness knows I would love the blueprint of Eden for creating our next garden. 

Jesus was also buried in a garden. Mary mistook him for the gardener before he said her name. 

There’s something to all of this. 

Either way, I am jazzed to hopefully be harvesting some vegetables and fruit in the next little while. Our big producers right now are the mint, oregano, tomatoes, and blueberries. (I use the word “big” rather loosely.) 

I intend to give the Lord space to speak with each encounter I have in the garden because, again, it feels holy to be in and cultivate a garden. 

Happy growing to my fellow gardeners out there!